Szklarska Poręba › Huta › Orle › Chatka Górzystów › Smrek › droga 3018 (Czechy) > Jizerka
dystans (km) wysokość m n.p.m.
Szklarska Poręba › Huta › Jakuszyce › Orle › Chatka Górzystów › Droga telefoniczna › Stóg Izerski › Smrek › droga 3018 (Czechy) › droga nr 22 (Czechy) › Jizerka › Orle › Szklarska Poręba
You should reserve a whole day if you want to explore the Polish-Czech border area in the Izery Mountains. You are guaranteed to get a lot of enjoyment from the on-road and off-road routes, the wonderful nature, and the spectacular views. On the Polish side you have to ride along the main trail leading from Jakuszyce, past the huts, “Orle” and “Chatka Górzystów”, until you reach Izerski Stóg. (Izerski Haystack). You will cross the border taking the green trail to get to the lookout tower in Smrk. If you are lucky, and the weather is good, you will be able to see amazing views of the Izery Mountains. Later on, you will have to follow the well-marked Czech trails to the Jizerka settlement and across the border bridge to get back to the Polish side. We recommend using a mountain bike or motocross bike for this trip.
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