Piechowice > Cicha Dolina > Grzybowiec > Jagniątków > Trzy Jawory > Michałowice > Piechowice
3:28 hh
13.9 km
dystans (km)
wysokość m n.p.m.
Cicha Dolina (Silent Valley), a valley surrounded by hills, proved to be home to one of the oldest glassworks in the area. The beginnings of a long
glassworking tradition in the town of Piechowice can be traced to Cicha Dolina. A quiet and rarely taken trail leads us to the village of Jagniatków.
In this village, it is necessary to see “Łakowy Kamien” – the former residence of a writer and Nobel laureate, Gerhard Hauptman, who lived and worked there for many years.