At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries Jelenia Gora was a rich, thriving industrial centre whose residents led a busy social and cultural life. At that time there were numerous theatrical...
The Okraj Mountain Pass is a depression dividing Kowarski Grzbiet (mountain ridge being a part of the Karkonosze mountains), and Lasocki Grzbiet (another mountain ridge). It is picturesquely located...
Mysłakowice > Łomnica > Krogulec > Karpniki Schronisko PTTK„Szwajcarka” > Góry Sokole This is a delightful, although slightly demanding trip, the diffi culties of which will be rewarded...
The didactic path is oriented towards casual strollers and the youngest tourists. It begins with the Kowary old town and leads through the parts of the town off ering interesting aspects of nature.