At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries Jelenia Gora was a rich, thriving industrial centre whose residents led a busy social and cultural life. At that time there were numerous theatrical...
Teatr Nasz was established in 1991 by a couple of professional actors, Jadwiga and Tadeusz Kuta. They are now accompanied in creating this unique place by a great musician Jacek Szreniawa. Over the...
The Okraj Mountain Pass is a depression dividing Kowarski Grzbiet (mountain ridge being a part of the Karkonosze mountains), and Lasocki Grzbiet (another mountain ridge). It is picturesquely located...
Since its construction, the Town Hall has been the most beautiful building in the centre of Kowary. The seat of municipal authorities was designed by a renowned German architect Christian...
In the very heart of the city, on Górnicza Street, in an inconspicuous looking tenement, is the seat of the Kowary Tradition House, which has been the headquarters the Kowary Lover’s Association for...
Wysoki Kamiń is the peak 1058 m above sea level overlooking Szklarska Poręba from the west and situated in the High Crest of The Izery Mountains. There are characteristic picturesque rocks at the top...
Cicha Dolina (Silent Valley), a valley surrounded by hills, proved to be home to one of the oldest glassworks in the area. The beginnings of a long glassworking tradition in the town of Piechowice...