BALD MOUNTAIN SKI ARENA is a ski resort located in the picturesque Western Sudetes. It is located in the municipality of Jeżów Sudeten Mountains Kaczawskie. From the center of Jelenia Gora, just 10...
"Przedwiośnie" Resort is nothing more than a pre-war railway holiday home ("Eisenbahn-Erholungsheim"). The resort is adjacent to the disused Kowary - Kamienna Góra railway line. Nearby, since 1905,...
Bike Rental Rowery Izery – we have 60 bikes on offer . We are ready for individual clients and organized groups. Service of organized groups comprises planning bike tours, delivery of bikes,...
Built in 1910-1925 with a little reservoir. A tourist trails goes along the crown of the dam.
Viewing platform, Tyrolean traverse, bungee jumping, pendulum, climbing.